Two-Year MBA

Student Experience


Our Two-Year MBA experience honors the man we are named for, the late CEO of Coca-Cola Roberto C. Goizueta. We will nurture and support you, while challenging you to always go beyond. You will connect, collaborate, and become a part of a community that values more than the bottom line.
  • Emory Alumni

    Around the Globe
  • Leadership Opportunities

    For MBA Students
  • Clubs and Organizations

    For MBA Students

Student Clubs & Activities

Your time in this program is about growing as a person, building on your professional foundation, and enjoying every minute of it. Our 60 student-run clubs and interest groups are a great way to go beyond the coursework and take advantage of the full Goizueta experience.

Taking Flight: A Goizueta Leadership Series

Taking Flight: A Goizueta Leadership Series is a student-led initiative designed to connect MBA students with influential leaders across industries. The series provides a platform for candid, insightful conversations on leadership, career growth, and personal development, helping students gain real-world perspectives from accomplished professionals.

Alumni Mentor Program

The Goizueta Mentor Program matches students with alumni mentors based on their areas of professional interest. Together the student and mentor can take part in year-round activities, such as mentor roundtables, Goizueta leadership speaker events, on-the-job shadowing, class visits, and casual outings.

Case Competitions

Case competitions give students the chance to practice business leadership through solving problems in a team-based environment. These competitions reflect the competitive nature of the business world, and allow students to bring all of their learning to the competition. Students with strong academic records and superior communication skills are sought after for our teams, which have met with great success in recent years.

Student Leadership in Action

Goizueta has an active student government and an expansive selection of clubs. Whether you want to be involved in a club to enhance your career, extend your global connections, or are looking to connect with students with similar interests or background, you are sure to find a club at Goizueta.

Student Perspectives

Kate Davis Green

At Goizueta, we believe that a woman's place is in leadership. Whether you are looking to advance in your current work or seek out new, more challenging opportunities, a Goizueta MBA can open the door to new possibilities.

The Goizueta LeadHERship Program provides a range of professional and personal development opportunities throughout your MBA program tailored to the unique challenges you will face as a woman in business.

  • Path to the C-Suite Fireside Chat Series
  • Check My Style Workshop Series
  • Student-Alumni Mentorship
  • Graduate Women in Business

We are proud to be an active participant in a variety of organizations and initiatives that support and promote women in business. You'll gain access to these and other organizations and resources that help get you there and support you along the way.

Learn More

Straight from the Source

MBA Students on Campus

Get the scoop on what it’s like to be in the Two-Year MBA from current students. The blog is totally student run. Hear about experiences in the program – what it’s like to travel for Global Experiential Modules, pitch solutions to clients, leadership training, and more.